
Faith-Based Anesthesiology Practice

Declaration of Faith

O Granter of Faith

grant us firmness with the word that is firm

in the life of the world and the Hereafter

Faith is what a person believes in. Religion is a way of life based on those beliefs, reflected in thought, speech and actions. Professed beliefs cannot and must not contradict words and deeds to retain the integrity and character of a person wholesome and united. The strength and conviction of Faith is Freedom, the essence of a persons' being.

As a young Muslim with high hopes and aspirations I migrated from India to the US with my family and naturalized as a citizen embracing the ideals of equality, justice and freedom that reinforce my faith. A decade later, I felt at the top of the world as an American, exceeding my hopes and aspirations, discovering my own potential, helping the injured as a Trauma Anesthesiologist and the community as a Muslim. I am thankful to God and the people of this nation who hosted us and provided us with opportunity. I did not see a contradiction between being a Muslim and “Indian” or an “American”.

When any government becomes destructive to the security of God-Given rights, obstructs the path of God by hindering people from fulfilling their Covenant, and religious scholars and institutions become tools of tyranny; and “it becomes necessary to dissolve all political and religious bonds which connect us with other people, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which God entitles us, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to the separation.” Ironically with a long train of abuses, injuries and usurpations, the united states government has established itself as a tyrant over its own citizens. India appears to be vying to follow that example. Financial crises, economic social and political bondage and unjust wars promoting injustice and inequality are signs of people living in tyranny, not freedom:

  • Slavery: Extermination of native tribes and their civilization and cession of native lands, enslavement of black people followed by slavery by other names; from convict leasing in the past to human trafficking in the present. Corporation, recognized as a legal person that is owned and traded along with its employees, and citizenry are as yet unrecognized forms of slavery. 
  • Purposeless lives in a meaningless world: Liberal democratic capitalistic governments reject God and boast scientific and technological advances promoting happiness and progress with freedom, wealth, material goods and health. With the collapse of reason and products of enlightenment, from Kant to Heidegger, western societies are running amok like chicken without heads from empiricism and logical positivism to existentialism to socio culturally deconstructed, irrational, contradictory, subjective, anti-realistic, anti-theistic relativistic socialism of Nietzsche, Foucault, Rorty, Derrida, Fish and the like. Denying Reason, Truth and Knowledge, people are living purposeless lives in a meaningless world that is interesting but dissociated from reality. With the epidemic of psychological problems that is currently gripping the western world, humanity is plunging into utter darkness; suicide, drug abuse, gun violence, sexual perversion and loss of gender identity destroying families and disintegrating societies. When people believe in Satan, an avowed enemy of humans, deny Absolute Truth and objective morality defining right and wrong and live like poets, preaching what they don't practice, that is the worst form of humanity. 
  • All War and no peace: Gulf war 1990, interventions in Somali    `civil war 1992, Bosnia 1992, Haiti 1994, Kosovo 1998, Sudan and Afghanistan 1998, Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2003, North-west Pakistan 2004, Somalia 2007, Indian Ocean 2009, Libya 2011, Uganda 2011, Iraq 2014, Syria 2014, Yemen 2015. With subjective morality, national security becomes the pretense for false flag operations claiming might is right and survival of the fittest – USS Maine in Havana Harbor 1898 and Spanish American War, USS Maddox 1964 Gulf of Tonkin and Vietnam War and the famous Iraq WMD and 2003 Gulf War. It is the underprivileged all over the world, as in united states, that are oppressed and suffer the consequences of military industrial complex.  
  • Economic bondage: Wealth or value, including human endeavor, is created and dispensed only by God. Federal Reserve, by creating money based on debt out of thin air, and trading it with creativity, resourcefulness and hard work of people, is trapping them into economic bondage. Enron fiasco in 2000 destroyed financial futures of millions of Americans - corporation (soul-less legal person), accumulating the greed of all shareholders without their conscience, is one of the biggest evils in society nurtured by the government. September 2008 mortgage crises and financial melt down due to culture of corruption based on God forbidden interest and predatory monetary instruments. People suffer and perpetrators are rewarded with bail out. The impact on society from broken families as collateral damage, is as yet unaccounted for. State governments like Kentucky, West Virginia, Oklahoma, California and many more, are gambling with pensions and playing with the trust of hardworking core of society - teachers, police, firefighters and other public employees. COVID pandemic – millions died and many more suffered critical illness and disabilities; the government claiming responsibility without accountability mandates ineffective vaccines rewarding big pharma. When people are defrauded en-mass and no laws are violated and no one is held accountable, that is the most direct evidence the constitution and laws are corrupt to the core. 

Secular Religion: Every human being has a religion based on a way of life chosen, with or without belief in God. The proselytizers of secular religion and scholars of constitution revere its text as their Bible. They claim constitution is the Big Bang that gave birth to the modern world. 09/17/1787 is the hinge of human history defining time before constitution BC and after the document AD. 'We the people... do ordain' is performative speech, an act of ordainment by people, just like God Says 'Be and it is!' The founding fathers conceived the words after three months of deliberation behind closed doors and delivered it to the people who ratified it after 9 months of epic debate. It is crowd sourced wisdom, hard wiring Free speech and majority rule into the process of ordainment. The pro slavery aspects of the constitution is the original sin that was essential to establish democracy and national security. The problem was solved in time with time. The constitution is inherently antidemocratic to limit the powers of the government, not people, and to protect minorities, because majority does not need constitutional protection. It is a compromise between federalists and anti-federalists and its interpretation by judicial review is essential to keep the document relevant and coherent with the doctrine, like the Warren court revolution. It is a living constitution and amendments are the reverberations of the original Big Bang that must continue to decide how the people and their posterity will be governed in Toto and forever. The Shariah or canonical supreme law of the land includes not just the constitution, but also the declaration of independence, federalists papers, Gettysburg address, north-west ordinance, King's dream speech, pledge of allegiance, brown vs board of education of Topeka and the like. Together they define the essence of democracy: consent of the governed, free and fair election, one person one vote, rule of law, free speech, religious freedom and toleration, separation of power, checks and balances, unreasonable search and seizure, self incrimination, cruel and unusual punishment. Successive generations since 1787 do not need to ratify the constitution and it is intentionally made difficult to change because the founding fathers with their divine wisdom enshrined the most fundamental commitments their posterity will ever need. To make the constitution work, people's allegiance is enlisted through oath taking for office or citizenship or inaction / ignorance of those born or naturalized citizens. The flag as a symbol and bald eagle as an emblem are sacred objects of reverence and devotion, national anthem and pledge of allegiance are modes of worship to declare belief and obedience to the state.

There is no God in Gettysburg address – just God-Given Rights: 'People' claim unalienable rights endowed by The Endower but deny their duties to Him, foremost being; “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me!” To secure those rights, they created the United States government that grants rights that are not God-given and denies rights that are God-given. A government cannot be 'just' when it betrays the person and interest of people created by God to secure and protect the 'person' and 'interest' of corporations created by people. The pledge of allegiance is to the flag of the united states and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God. There is no God in a government of the people, for the people and by the people. A nation cannot claim to be under God when its government is not under God. A government that denies Revelation cannot protect the unalienable God-given rights of the people. Elected officials in a representative government have no contractual obligations to the people who elected them but are tools of corporations and special interest groups that fund their campaign.

Repressive Republic: The republic claims sovereignty resides in people and they 'ordain and establish the constitution' not for themselves but 'for the United States of America'. The people delegate powers to the government without giving up their own. God-given rights are supposedly protected under the Common Law of the Republic and government-given civil rights of citizens are supposedly protected under the Statuary Law of the Democracy. The people claim to own the government but the government, by subjecting all persons born or naturalized in the United States to its jurisdiction owns the citizens. The sovereign people of this nation who are alive today, those who were born and those who were naturalized, each one of them created a free person in their mothers' womb, never ratified the US constitution nor gave informed consent to be subjected to the jurisdiction of United States government, nor surrendered or waived their sovereignty. The founding fathers did not have the authority to surrender the sovereignty of their posterity to the government nor subject them to its jurisdiction, and the posterity cannot be judged by the beliefs and actions of their fore-fathers. When treating a patient without informed consent is assault and battery, then governing, ruling and judging a people without informed consent is tyranny and oppression. 'When it is said to them 'come to what has been Revealed by Allah and to the Messenger, they say 'sufficient for us is what we found our fore-fathers upon', even though their fore-fathers knew nothing and were not guided.' Ayat 5:104.

Sovereignty surrendered for slavery: Popular sovereignty is a tool of tyrants to claim lordship and enslave people. It is a symbol of tyranny providing sanctuary to tyrants all over the world. 'Can self-governing people coexist and prevail over government agencies that have no authority over the People?' The 'Great experiment in self government' under the illusion of freedom has created slavery upon slavery; slavery to tyrannical luciferous leviathan of state authority from surrendered God-given rights of people to acquire government-given civil rights of citizens and slavery to the material world in pursuit of happiness. Special interest groups and corporations that own the government claim favors on people they enslaved. Free people make free nations. With unquestionable authority to levy and validate public debt, the government keeps its citizens in perpetual debt that grows astronomically each year. A nation cannot be free if its people are not free and trapped in debt; economic, social and political. "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be" (Jefferson). When those enslaved believe they are free, that is the worst form of slavery. People fighting unjust wars for their governments claim to be patriotic and those fighting for civil rights claim to be freedom fighters. This makes me reject the Constitution and Laws of all secular democratic republics, including India, my motherland by birth, and United States, my homeland by death of my daughter in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Humble attempts to act on my beliefs and fulfill my obligations as a Muslim “American” evoked responses from the government that enabled a deeper understanding of the system. Witnessing and experiencing tyranny and corruption, a gradual awakening of consciousness led to a grinding realization of conflicts and contradictions within my beliefs. The foundations of my belief system were shattered, bringing down everything I built on it.

  • 03/16/2003 Rachel Corrie was crushed under Israeli bulldozer. A mighty nation disowns a national hero who gave her life for the principles this nation was founded on - equality, justice and freedom, not what its flag has come to represent – tyranny and oppression. Israel claims the driver behind that massive death machine did not see Rachel, ironically acknowledging her protest: Israel blindfolded by holocausts of recent and distant past, does not see its own aggression and oppression. Standing up for a just cause facing guns and risking life by an 8g bullet traveling twice the speed of sound piercing flesh and bones requires tremendous courage. Imagine what was going through her mind as a 49 ton harbinger of death was inching its way toward her. It was not the bulldozer that crushed her fragile body, but her courage and resolution in the conduct of her faith that crushed tyranny. History has been recorded and God is The Judge. If people are oblivious, it is their ignorance. While she continues to live in the Presence of her Creator and in the hearts of people, what remains of tyranny is a mangled spiders' web, waiting to be swept away with time. Shame on the people who admire the Tank man in Tienanmen Square but ridicule an American hero who went above and beyond her duty to fulfill her calling. I was on a medical mission with Palestine Red Crescent Society in Gaza at the time, witnessing the tyranny and oppression that Rachel protested. Israeli blockade prevented me from visiting her at the hospital. I was arrested at Tel Aviv airport and detained for over 2 days in Petah Tikwa for investigation of a bombing on the day of my departure. American Embassy advised me to comply with the demands of the investigators denying any help or support to me or my family back home. I was interrogated continuously, sleep and food deprived and subjected to lie-detector test under threat of indefinite detention.  
  • 07/01/2005 suspension of my privileges at UMC for protesting with civil disobedience against corrupt business practices that hindered my Trauma Anesthesiology practice and my passion to help the injured. UMC granted anesthesiology contract to Sierra and in return became their network provider on June 1, 2005. Hospital administration used my name to get the contract approved through MEC without my consent and then coerced me to join Sierra, a corporation I see as evil. My complaints to FBI and several government agencies on July 11, 2005 documenting interlocked contracts as violations of anti-trust laws, were not acknowledged and I was denied whistle blower protections. In 2007, UMC CEO Lacy Thomas was fired and indicted by the State of Nevada on 5 counts of theft and 5 counts of official misconduct. Criminal charges were dismissed through mistrial at Nevada Supreme Court in September 2017. He is now protected by the constitution from re-prosecution by double jeopardy. John Ellerton, MD, Chief of Staff representing physicians, also being paid as Medical Director for the hospital, was scrutinized for conflict of interest. 
  • 01/18/2006 My daughter passed away in a car crash. An SUV at high speed broadsided and tipped over my car with my family at an intersection. The SUV had the right of way but I did not see it approaching and failed to yield. Without investigating the other driver for driving under influence or distraction (phone), LVMPD cited me with Case # 06F03531X Misdemeanor – vehicular manslaughter based on manufactured accident reconstruction report and fabricated false charges of speeding and blowing a stop sign in contradiction to eye-witness testimony. District attorney david rogers office raised it to felony reckless driving. I believe it was all in retaliation for whistle blowing corruption at UMC, to destroy my reputation, adversely effect my career, medical practice and livelihood. Overcharging and threatening with Child protective services taking away my other children, and misrepresenting 'no contest' as not accepting guilt, I was coerced into a plea deal. I was informed through court documents released from my attorney's office on 11/13/2018, that the disposition of the case pleads guilty as charged for vehicular manslaughter on public record. 
  • When a government 
  • presumes guilt and fails to protect its own citizens from harassment, injury and death, 
  • hinders a person from practicing a profession that is his expertise and from serving humanity where he is best suited,  
  • and the state with all its power and resources protects criminals but retaliates and subjects a whistle blower to embarrassment, expense and ordeal, and compels him to live in a continuing state of anxiety and insecurity, and uses the apparatus of the state to retaliate with deception, intimidation and misrepresentation, to find him guilty of fabricated charges with manufactured evidence at a time when he is most vulnerable,  

then that government has defined itself as a tyrant by its actions. This Declaration of Faith proclaimed on January 18, 2011 and sent to all 3 branches of Government, is in response to the above, to migrate from a position of weakness to a position of strength, to gain peace and security with strength and conviction of faith by reexamining my belief system and ridding it of any conflicts, to build a strong and solid foundation, to live a life without fear, to fulfill my purpose in life without compromising my faith in preparation and hope to meet my Creator.

  • Constitutional scholars claim the magnanimity of ordainment process that those who rejected the constitution exercising freedom of speech were not demonized but included in the process and some of them went on to become presidents, vice presidents and chief justices. I experienced more retaliation:
  • 01/28/2011 My first meeting with the FBI for sending my Declaration of Faith to district attorney 
  • 02/03/2011 Meeting with FBI and Secret Services for sending it to President Obama 
  • 02/07/2011 UMC terminated my application for privileges with false allegations and without due process, leading all other hospitals in Las Vegas valley to follow suit and close my applications as incomplete because I refused to accept those allegations. 
  • 02/18/2011 Teacher's health trust terminated my privileges leading to my expulsion from PBS Anesthesia group and disrupting my medical practice 
  • 03/03/2011 when I visited UMC Trauma Center it was locked down for security threat 
  • My guardianship request for Muslim children in foster care was denied and DCFS made threats to send US marshals to my home to seize those children. I wrote a letter to Nevada Attorney general Catherine Cortez Masto and Governor Brian Sandoval on 09/10/2012, exposing corruption and abuse of children in DCFS custody and got no response. 
  • 02/15/2013 letter to Attorney General Eric Holder regarding my pledge for financial support to orphans in Gaza to protect myself from perceived threat of prosecution. 
  • 05/07/2013 request to Massachusetts Governor Patrick and Nevada Governor Sandoval to help me bury Tamerlane Tsarnaev's body being mutilated by denying burial to dehumanize Muslims was ignored. I believe the bodies of Mumbai massacre suspects are being similarly mutilated. God already sent a crow to show Cane how to bury Abel. Mutilation does not hurt the dead but reflects on the living. 
  • 08/08/2013 open letter of my testimony of faith regarding Nidal Hasan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to the judiciary, American government and American people, was answered with unannounced FBI visit escorted by armed and edgy lvmpd officer to my home. 
  • 08/21/2013 Steps towards impending Muslim genocide, a letter of warning I sent to Muslim organizations, now reinforced with Myanmar Rohinga Muslim genocide, and 'humane' Muslim detention camps in China. Recent laws in India are disconcerting 
  • 10/30/2013 letter to Governor Sandoval complaining about 2013 HOA citation, for preexisting undisclosed CCR violations from 2007 when the escrow settlement was signed off and released by HOA in 2010. The complaint with Real Estate Division was deceptively closed claiming lack of timely response to a notice I never received. 
  • 01/03/2014 trespassing arrest - City of Las Vegas case # C1108762A: for speaking without permission at Masjid Sabur against establishment and holding the leadership accountable for conflict in the Muslim mind and misguided actions of Muslim youth. 

The State of Nevada and Illinois, using the resources and powers of medical board, whose members are directly appointed by the Governor, made repeated attempts to charge me with false allegations and enforce compliance on orders that constituted self-incrimination and admission of those false charges;

  • 06/13/2014 NSBME case 14-15188; Regarding 01/16/2008 Malpractice claim  
  • 09/15/2014 IDFPR suspension of my Illinois license for erroneous delinquent tax  
  • 01/072015 NSBME case 14-15458 for IDFPR suspension for erroneous delinquent tax  
  • 01072015 NSBME case 14-15459, for 01/03/2014 trespassing arrest at a place of worship!!! 
  • 01/09/2015 NSBME Case 13-14908, order for meeting regarding multiple hospital privilege applications deemed incomplete because of false allegations by UMC 
  • 07/26/2017 IDFPR complaint 2017-5901; notice of intent to refuse to renew license because of false allegations by UMC 
  • 10/01/2017 Mandalay Bay Shooting: As a fellowship trained trauma anesthesiologist with a passion to help the injured, I felt like a fish out of water. Without knowing the identity of the shooter, if he was Muslim, and with UMC lock down on 03/03/2011 portraying me as a security threat, I could not go to UMC directly. I requested the CEO at North Vista to contact UMC Trauma Center offering my help but I was held back for possible overflow. Sunrise hospital, the only other Trauma Center in town, had terminated my application for want of psychological evaluation. Showing up there that night was not an option. 
  • 11/26/2018 denial of my application along with my whole family including minor children as young as 3, for Trusted Traveler Global Entry Program by Department of Homeland security claiming we are ineligible without explaining why we do not qualify as 'low risk', when we meet all the eligibility criteria listed. 
  • 04/12/2019 Self represented Motion to dismiss no-contest plea from 2007 thwarted by LVJC. 
  • 08/26/2021 fully executed Vroom retail purchase agreement with my signature not included in title documents and swapped with my wife's name without her signature authentication. 
  • 09/11/2021~ DMV issued title and registration in my wife's name accepting illegal documents. 
  • 11/01/2021 The Big Ugly Vaccine Mandate Comment tracking number kwc-9kd5-zujp not posted by agency on Federal Register 
  • 12/13/2021 DMV license cancellation because of my signature making reference to my Declaration of Faith. 
  • 12/17/2021 Prime Health Care North Vista Hospital death-trap for patients with tertiary care needs, Complaint to MEC, Nursing board, DNV, Xavier Becerra DHHS 
  • 01/26/2022 Suspension of privileges at North Vista Hospital citing my declination of COVID vaccine and religious exemption. 
  • 09/27/2022 Conditional renewal of privileges at North Vista Hospital for COVID mandate 

Conflict in Muslim mind: Can a person be a faithful believer and a loyal citizen? FCNA – Fiqh Council of North America adopted an Islamic ruling on 09/25-26/2011, to assert there is no contradiction between being faithful Muslims and loyal americans. It claims Islam and the US constitution and bill of rights are based on the same universal moral values; democracies and secular legal systems are compatible with Islamic Shura and Shari'ah; and Islamic teachings require respect of the laws of the land.

Critiques of my Declaration of Faith:

Is the State taghoot – false god? The founding fathers did not intend to make the constitution or the state a deity, or for it to acquire divine dimension or theological import. Not being Muslims did not bar them from creating a fair and just system, deriving from Islamic principles of ordering and structuring society. The constitution does not claim to have power to make permissible what God made forbidden.

Social Contract: “Constitution was written as a social contract to afford ambiance in which arbitrariness could be checked and people of different faiths and beliefs could interact reasonably with each other without fear of coercion or intimidation”. No one can claim dispensing perfect justice in this world, even Muslims in a utopic Islamic system, because justice dispensed through human agency is by definition imperfect. Muslims and non-Muslims are living as signatories to this social contract and not as I assert, accepting it as a deity.

Islam requires obedience to the Law of the Land: The Prophet considered social norms and customs and accepted the protection of disbelievers. Asbab (means) are not Arbab (deities) and God ordained the use of means. 501C3 incorporation is a means to practice your faith and not taking advantage of it is against simple logic – saving taxes that can be spent against Muslims by the government and spending it in the path of God. Constitution and laws of country, state, county and city have to be followed because you cannot imagine building without permits.

Hypocricy dismissed: Without Revelation today no one can imply Masajid are not Houses of God or compare them to Masjid darar – built by hypocrites to divide Muslims, and after Revelation the Prophet tore it down. It was pointed out that I have no right to judge and imply hypocrisy to fellow Muslims contrary to Prophets' example. By declaring my dissociation from Muslims living a life of hypocrisy between the Quran and the constitution, I alienated my own community resulting in my family being gradually ostracized.

Response to Critiques:

Faithful Believers, with loyalty to God, family and Ummah (all of creation from the time of Muhammad (pbuh) to the Day of Judgment), cannot be loyal to tyrannical systems.

'Verily, the bonds of Islam will be destroyed one by one, when there arise in Islam people (and scholars?) who do not know or recognize ignorance (Umar RA).

ISLAM IS A 'DIN' OR WAY OF LIFE and not a RELIGION as defined in legal discourse. https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110810104746857


Di'n al Islam is 'Debt of Submission to Allah (for all the Blessings He Has bestowed on us) by disciplining the soul that falls due on the Day of Judgement. Hamza Yousuf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySbzyqQMkiE


Islam is Freedom - Submission to no one except our Creator, The Lord of Majesty and Bounty, The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty, in accordance with natural disposition, turning away from all that is false. True Religion is establishing without corruption the True Nature that The Sublime instilled into mankind. A religion that respects the freedoms of all people with no compulsion is the only way of life acceptable to The Sovereign. The self evident truth is that only The Creator Can Command the creation. Tyrants do not have authority on those who believe in The Sustainer and take Him alone as their Protector Who Guides them from darkness into light. They have authority only on those who surrender their freedom seeking its protection, thereby associating partners with The Unity, leading them from light into darkness. Good is to Glorify The Most Glorious and evil is to associate partners with The Unity.

Freedom is a Trust from God: It is the highest moral value that enables a person to choose and makes them accountable for their actions by their Creator. Those who betray their freedom betray that Trust. Strength and conviction of faith with beliefs coupled to conduct is the essence of a persons' being, integrity and character that sets him free. Once realized, freedom does not need any protection because it cannot be taken away. Freedom that requires protection of tyranny is slavery.

Consensus contradicting Revelation is corruption: After proclaiming disbelief, an Islamic ruling professing respect while practicing and preaching obedience to taghoot can only come from a convoluted coalition that is either confused or corrupt or coerced. Musa pbuh asked Pharoah 'send with me the children of Israel', he instructed his people to make places of worship in their homes, Eesa pbuh disrupted trade in the Jewish Temple and was sentenced to Crucifiction, Muhammad pbuh migrated to Madinah escaping assassination. 'Wasubaha' - my refutation of FCNA ruling that compromises faith following the example of Jews and Christians, was answered with silence. Instead of fulfilling their responsibility and resolving this conflict in the Muslim mind they disown those who question it. Instead of leading people by example with faith and courage to face tyranny, they are betraying the Muslim community. Instead of leading American society away from hell, they are misleading them and their representatives from figuring out 'what the hell is going on'. I hold the Islamic scholars responsible for misguided actions of conflicted Muslim youth susceptible to extremist ideologues on one hand and predatory government traps on the other, destroying many lives besides their own, and the faith with it.

Luciferous Leviathan: Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to render their god-given rights and submit to the authority of the ruler (or to the decision of a majority) in exchange for protection of their government given civil rights. That is the luciferous Leviathan, or the matter, form and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiastical and civil – Thomas Hobbes, 1651. Affording ambiance in which arbitrariness could be checked and people of different faiths and beliefs could interact reasonably with each other without fear of coercion or intimidation is a claim only Revelation can make because God is the Creator of all people. Revelation claims people have no faith until they accept the Messenger as an arbiter or judge in all their affairs and find no resistance in their souls against his decisions. “Believers” that claim to be signatories to the social contract in which the luciferous leviathan is the arbiter providing that ambiance, are implying Revelation is arbitrary. Justice dispensed by human agency in this world is by definition imperfect but Revelation implores us to aim and strive for it with might and main. If a system in defiance of Revelation can be just, then what is the purpose of Revelation? Who decides what is acceptable injustice in this imperfect world, the oppressor or the oppressed? When speech and actions contradict professed beliefs, that is by definition hypocrisy. By calling out the contradictions I am calling myself a hypocrite, worthless piece of hollow timber propped up. If other believers find themselves in the same predicament, and are offended by it, then they should acknowledge the problem to find a solution.

Is government god?: A believer may hide belief in God or disbelief in false god for fear of persecution. Belief commands obedience and disbelief demands disobedience, the degree of which depends on personal convictions and fear of tyrants or God. They cannot claim any association with Revelation. The Jews did not intend to make their Rabbi's as deities or Lords but the Messenger explained that Rabbi's by making permissible what God made forbidden and making forbidden what God made permissible have made themselves Lords. Governments today as such have made themselves false gods; they cannot create anything and are themselves created, have no power to avert harm or benefit themselves, and no power over death or life or resurrection.

Without Revelation there is no Rule of Law: Revelation is the Criterion to judge between right and wrong and establish justice. Any government that governs, rules and judges its people by anything other than what God Has Revealed to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad is a disbelieving, rebellious transgressor, (taghoot, false god, tyrant) Al-Quran 5: 44-50. Professing respect and obedience to the law of the land that is recognized as tyranny because God gave it authority is disrespecting The Honorer and disobedience to God. There is no obedience to anyone if it results in disobedience to The Subduer. Those who practice and promote such beliefs contrive an evil alliance with taghoot. Without rejection of false gods and tyrants, faith is a veneer for disbelief, rebellion and tyranny. The Law Giver has ordained for us of the way of life what He enjoined upon Nuh and that which He Has Revealed to Muhammad and what He enjoined upon Ibraheem and Musa and Eesa, to establish the way of life and not be divided there in... Revelation teaches:

  • disbelieve taghoot and believe in Allah to grasp The Most Trustworthy Hand-hold that never breaks, 
  • not to be among those who were granted their share of the Book but believe in superstition and taghoot and claim they are better guided in the right way than believers,  
  • not to be among those who claim to believe in Revelation and yet turn to taghoot for judgment,  
  • those who believe struggle in the cause of Allah and those who disbelieve struggle in the cause of taghoot, indeed the guile of satan is week  
  • worse in rank are those who worship taghoot and not avoid them, instead of turning to Allah and worshiping Him 

Charitable organizations are incorporated to acquire permits and protections and seek 501C3 designation to gain subsidies through tax exemptions and deductions from government. In return they accept restrictions on private benefit / inurement, lobbying, political activity, unrelated business income, annual reporting obligations and operations outside tax exempt purpose. Pharaoh killed the sorcerers because they did not ask his permission before believing in God. Muhammad pbuh did not build one Masjid in Mecca for 13 years before migration while the Kaaba was filled with idols under Quresh. Neither the Prophet nor his companion Abu Bakr took the protection of disbelievers by believing in or turning for judgement to taghoot, while their companions were tortured and killed, nor accepted restrictions on their way of life. They are not the 'means' ordained by God – no Revelation to support it, but tools of taghoot to deceive you that you are practicing faith. A place of worship built by such organizations is a house of cards built on a heap of ash that appears to hold it together. Masjid by definition is built, visited and maintained by such as believe in God and The Last Day, establish regular prayer and practice regular charity and fear none except God.

Purpose of life: Belief coupled with conduct. God did not create man and jin except to Worship Him. Worship is to live a life to its full potential with love and devotion, submission and obedience, fear and reverence to The Creator. Without actions belief is invalid - ayats 2:82, 5:9, 7:42, 10:9, 19:96, 29:7, 42:26 and without belief actions are invalid – ayats 2:217, 3:22, 5:53, 7:147, 14:18, 18:105, 39:65. Knowledge is essential to identify one's potential and implement beliefs into actions. Knowledge as an attribute of God cannot be exhausted even if all the oceans were ink and trees were pen. In and of itself neither belief nor knowledge is a virtue and when accumulated without action, it may be a barrier to fulfill the purpose of life.

Muslim in America or India: My relationship with any constitution and government is the same as Jesus pbuh with Cesar's Roman empire or Moses pbuh with Pharoah's kingdom or Muhammad pbuh with Qureshi aristocracy. I believe God is greater than any government, His Revelation is greater than any constitution and His Creation is greater than any country. Secularism claims separation of church and state but it is the church (synagogue or mosque) that is incorporated and regulated under the complete authority of the state. “God is the Creator of all things; and He holds absolute sway over all that exists”.Ayats 13:16, 5:120. “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's” implies {[(Render unto God Caesar and his empire)]}. James Madison, the principal author of the First Amendment: “It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage, and such only, as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent both in order of time and degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society.” “Freedom of conscience is the basis of the Free Exercise Clause, and government may not penalize or discriminate against an individual or a group of individuals because of their religious views nor may it compel persons to affirm any particular beliefs.” Braunfeld v. Brown, 366 U.S. 599, 607 (1961).


Constitutional anamoly? Government has established religion with Secularism as a way of life. Secular institutions pursuing secular goals and interests are imposing civic obligations on all members of society regardless of their religion. By virtue of my disbelief in false gods, belief in Allah, bound with a Covenant “we hear and we obey” to religiously motivated conduct, I am not claiming religious exemptions from a secular system to become a 'law unto myself' nor I consider myself 'above the law'. I am born a free man and legally admitted as a sovereign member of the people of the United States for whom the government was created to serve and protect. I have not and will not abandon my religion nor my sovereignty as the price for an equal place in society where people are not free nor equal. Disbelieving the constitution and rejecting all its protections without intending to violate it, to seek God's Protection, I am claiming Sovereignty and Freedom as an inalienable right endowed by my Creator in my mother's womb that existed before it was recognized in the Declaration of Independence.


Seeds of destruction: By making belief-action distinction to accommodate and regulate religiously motivated conduct in the permissible zone between the establishment and free exercise clauses, in conjunction with other constitutional protections, such as freedom of speech and the press, the government is playing at the joints with 'strict scrutiny' 'rational basis' 'compelling-interest' 'substantial burden' and 'least restrictive' standards. Claiming a citizens' obligation to obey the law is not contingent on religious beliefs is absurd when it is the obligation of US government and its laws to protect the religious beliefs of free people. It is like claiming to accommodate The Big Bang, An Act of God that Created this universe, in the tiny space on paper between the establishment and free-exercise clauses on which it is written! If it appears to 'invite anarchy' and produce 'constitutional anomaly', then it is a seed of destruction embedded in the constitution as it was written.


Certainty of Death as the cornerstone of my Faith: Every living being will taste death. The body goes back to Earth and the soul departs to God. Only The Eternal brings life out of death and death out of life. When the last breath comes up to the throat, the person knows that this is the parting and no one can intervene or avert it. Engulfed by death, he is impelled to repentance that is useless. The Creator of Death decreed death shall dwell among us, it will overtake us where ever we may be, at the time and place destined. Faith is sincere and true when the certainty of death illuminates life. Life after death and the hope of meeting our Creator is The Truth, as true as we speak. Death is the barrier that defines and therefore protects life in this world and the next. Believers are inspired to overcome the fear of death, persevere with patient resolve to redeem their pledge to surrender to The Creator before death. Disbelief in God promotes hopelessness and desperation. Death is seen as the end of existence with nothing to look forward to. Life of this world is preferred over hereafter. People are burdened with servitude to the creation taking tyrants as protectors who cause obstruction in the path of God and seek crookedness in it by making themselves or others equal to God. On the Day of Account, those who are followed will clear themselves of those who followed.

Declaration of Faith: As Full disclosure and my signature document, it authenticates all legal documents, agreements and contracts so that all transacting parties will be fully aware of the consequences of their decision. It is an instrument to exercise my freedom, practice my inalienable rights and protect my faith with the intent to live my life according to Guidance from Revelation, as Commanded by God, based on my understanding, and save my family and self from Hell Fire;

  • O you who believe! When ye deal with each other in transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them to writing...., let him who incurs liability dictate...., and get two witnesses. Ayat 2:282:  
  • O you who believe! Fulfill contracts...Ayat 5:1 
  • O my people, Worship Allah, no other god but Him. Clear evidence of the truth has now come to you from you Sustainer! Give full measure and weight, do not deprive people their things, do not spread corruption on Earth after it has been set in order, that is best for you if you believe. Ayat 7:85 
  • Those who devour usury stand not except as stand on whom satan has confounded with his touch; they say “trade is like usury” while Allah has permitted trade and forbidden usury...Ayat 2:275. O you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what remains of usury if you are believers. If you do it not, be informed of a war from Allah and His Messenger. But if you turn back, then for you is your capital. Do no wrong nor be wronged. Ayat 2:278-279 
  • When angels take in death those wronging themselves, they ask “In what (situation) were you? They reply we were oppressed in Earth, they ask 'was not the Earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate in it'. Then those will have their abode in Hell and an evil destination. Ayat 4:97 
  • O you who believe, Be the custodians of justice as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, your parents, your relatives, whether rich or poor for Allah is The Protector of both. Follow not your desires lest you swerve from justice, and if you distort or decline, Allah is aware of all you do. Ayat 4:135 

I hereby declare, proclaim and solemnly affirm, without fear and intimidation, without hesitation and reservation, to recognize and establish the following truths:

I entirely renounce all my oaths, declarations, affirmations, affidavits, affiliations, associations and abjure all allegiance, fidelity, obedience that contradicts, conflicts or negates my Original Covenants.

  • Fulfil the Covenant of Allah when you have covenanted, and break not your oaths after confirmation; indeed you have entrusted Allah over you; for Allah knows all that you do. Ayat 16:91 
  • And remember the favor of Allah upon you, and His Covenant which He bound you with, when you said: "We hear and we obey": And fear Allah, for Allah Knows of what is in your hearts. Ayat 5:7  
  • When your Lord took from the children of Adam their descendants from their loins and made them testify over themselves “Am I not your Lord” they said 'yes we testify' lest you say on The Day of Resurrection 'indeed were unaware about this'. Ayat 7:172  

I believe that your God and my God is The One God, in the Heavens and on Earth. I believe in His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, The Last Day and Fate measured out, good or bad. I honor the Prophet and defend the Revelation. I will not die nor live except in submission to Allah.

I declare my freedom to 'hear and obey' Revelation, act or refrain from all the things Commanded by The Wise and my inalienable rights to faithfully observe trusts and covenants, enjoin good and forbid evil, resist oppression and tyranny, help those in need and give charity, live free of debt and usury, make alliances and contracts, earn livelihood with respect, dignity and honor, travel or settle, protect faith and beliefs, life and death, chastity and honor, family and progeny, reason and wealth.

I follow the example of Ibraheem (pbuh) and turn my face to Him Who brought into being the heavens and the earth, Who Created and established me on this land, having turned away from all that is false; I am not of those who ascribe divinity to aught beside The Everlasting, those who deny submission to The Abaser while living on His land and thriving on His sustenance: I dissociate myself from all people and organizations who claim to believe in God but refuse to disbelieve in tyranny; who take 'Oath' on The Revelation - to uphold the word of man (constitution) and undermine the Word of God (Revelation)!!! who seek civil rights by giving up their God-given rights, who claim to Glorify The Most Glorious, but by incorporating and benefiting from tyranny are glorifying false gods! God's Will is Done and I have no strength except from Him.

I am a Muslim worthy of trust. I accept full responsibility for all my choices, what ever the consequences and deny any responsibility for choices that are not mine, what ever the consequences. Scheme your worst against me and give me no respite. My protector is The Almighty God who will take your souls at death. I seek refuge in my Sustainer and your Sustainer from every arrogant one who disbelieves in the Day of Reckoning.

As a witness to my testimony I implore the reader to fulfill his or her responsibility based on their True Nature and point out any errors or contradictions in my faith so I may reflect and reconcile.


***Truly do I love the love of good with a view to the Glory of my Lord!***

Faith is what a person believes in. Religion is a way of life based on those beliefs, reflected in thought, speech, and actions. Professed beliefs cannot and must not contradict words and deeds to retain the integrity and character of a person wholesome and united. The strength and conviction of Faith is Freedom, the essence of a persons' being.

As a young Muslim with high hopes and aspirations, I migrated from India to the US with my family and naturalized as a citizen embracing the ideals of equality, justice and freedom that reinforce my faith. A decade later, I felt at the top of the world as an American, exceeding my hopes and aspirations, discovering my own potential, helping the injured as a Trauma Anesthesiologist and the community as a Muslim. I am thankful to God and the people of this nation who hosted us and provided us with opportunity. I did not see a contradiction between being a Muslim and “Indian” or an “American”.

When any government becomes destructive to the security of God-Given rights, obstructs the path of God by hindering people from fulfilling their Covenant, and religious scholars and institutions become tools of tyranny; and “it becomes necessary to dissolve all political and religious bonds which connect us with other people, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which God entitles us, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to the separation.” Ironically with a long train of abuses, injuries and usurpations, the united states government has established itself as a tyrant over its own citizens. India appears to be vying to follow that example. Financial crises, economic social and political bondage and unjust wars promoting injustice and inequality are signs of people living in tyranny, not freedom:

  • Slavery: Extermination of native tribes and their civilization and cession of native lands, enslavement of black people followed by slavery by other names; from convict leasing in the past to human trafficking in the present. Corporation, recognized as a legal person that is owned and traded along with its employees, and citizenry are as yet unrecognized forms of slavery.

  • Purposeless lives in a meaningless world: Liberal democratic capitalistic governments reject God and boast scientific and technological advances promoting happiness and progress with freedom, wealth, material goods and health. With the collapse of reason and products of enlightenment, from Kant to Heidegger, western societies are running amok like chicken without heads from empiricism and logical positivism to existentialism to socio culturally deconstructed, irrational, contradictory, subjective, anti-realistic, anti-theistic relativistic socialism of Nietzsche, Foucault, Rorty, Derrida, Fish and the like. Denying Reason, Truth and Knowledge, people are living purposeless lives in a meaningless world that is interesting but dissociated from reality. Without absolute morality defining right and wrong, like poets, preaching what they don't practice. With the epidemic of psychological problems that is currently gripping the western world, humanity is plunging into utter darkness; suicide, drug abuse, gun violence, sexual perversion and loss of gender identity destroying families and disintegrating societies. When people believe in Satan, an avowed enemy of humans, or deny Absolute Truth and objective morality, that is the worst form of humanity.

  • All War and no peace: Gulf war 1990, interventions in Somali civil war 1992, Bosnia 1992, Haiti 1994, Kosovo 1998, Sudan and Afghanistan 1998, Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2003, Northwest Pakistan 2004, Somalia 2007, Indian Ocean 2009, Libya 2011, Uganda 2011, Iraq 2014, Syria 2014, Yemen 2015. With subjective morality, national security becomes the pretense for false flag operations claiming might is right and survival of the fittest – USS Maine in Havana Harbor 1898 and Spanish American War, USS Maddox 1964 Gulf of Tonkin and Vietnam War and the famous Iraq WMD and 2003 Gulf War. It is the underprivileged all over the world, as in united states, that are oppressed and suffer the consequences of military industrial complex.

  • Economic bondage: Wealth or value, including human endeavor, is created and dispensed only by God. Federal Reserve, by creating money based on debt out of thin air, and trading it with creativity, resourcefulness and hard work of people, is trapping them into economic bondage. Enron fiasco in 2000 destroyed financial futures of millions of Americans - corporation (soulless legal person), accumulating the greed of all shareholders without their conscience, is one of the biggest evils in society nurtured by the government. September 2008 mortgage crises and financial melt down due to culture of corruption based on God forbidden interest and predatory monetary instruments. People suffer and perpetrators are rewarded with bail out. The impact on society from broken families as collateral damage, is as yet unaccounted for. State governments like Kentucky, West Virginia, Oklahoma, California and many more, are gambling with pensions and playing with the trust of hardworking core of society - teachers, police, firefighters and other public employees. COVID pandemic – millions died and many more suffered critical illness and disabilities; the government claiming responsibility without accountability mandates ineffective vaccines rewarding big pharma. When people are defrauded en-mass and no laws are violated and no one is held accountable, that is the most direct evidence the constitution and laws are corrupt to the core.

Secular Religion: Every human being has a religion based on a way of life chosen, with or without belief in God. The proselytizers of secular religion and scholars of constitution revere its text as their Bible. They claim the constitution is the Big Bang that gave birth to the modern world. 09/17/1787 is the hinge of human history defining time before constitution BC and after the document AD. 'We the people... do ordain' is performative speech, an act of ordainment by people, just like God Says 'Be and it is!' The founding fathers conceived the words after three months of deliberation behind closed doors and delivered it to the people who ratified it after 9 months of epic debate. It is crowd sourced wisdom, hard wiring Free speech and majority rule into the process of ordainment. The pro slavery aspects of the constitution is the original sin that was essential to establish democracy and national security. The problem was solved in time with time.

The constitution is inherently antidemocratic to limit the powers of the government, not people, and to protect minorities, because majority does not need constitutional protection. It is a compromise between federalists and anti-federalists and its interpretation by judicial review is essential to keep the document relevant and coherent with the doctrine, like the Warren court revolution. It is a living constitution and amendments are the reverberations of the original Big Bang that must continue to decide how the people and their posterity will be governed in Toto and forever.

The Shariah or canonical supreme law of the land includes not just the constitution, but also the declaration of independence, federalists papers, Gettysburg address, north-west ordinance, King's dream speech, pledge of allegiance, brown vs board of education of Topeka and the like. Together they define the essence of democracy: consent of the governed, free and fair election, one person one vote, rule of law, free speech, religious freedom and toleration, separation of power, checks and balances, unreasonable search and seizure, self incrimination, cruel and unusual punishment. Successive generations since 1787 do not need to ratify the constitution and it is intentionally made difficult to change because the founding fathers with their divine wisdom enshrined the most fundamental commitments their posterity will ever need. To make the constitution work, people's allegiance is enlisted through oath taking for office or citizenship or inaction / ignorance of those born or naturalized citizens. The flag as a symbol and bald eagle as an emblem are sacred objects of reverence and devotion, national anthem and pledge of allegiance are modes of worship to declare belief and obedience to the state.

There is no God in Gettysburg address – just God-Given Rights: 'People' claim unalienable rights endowed by The Endower but deny their duties to Him, foremost being; “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me!” To secure those rights, they created the United States government that grants rights that are not God-given and denies rights that are God-given. A government cannot be 'just' when it betrays the person and interest of people created by God to secure and protect the 'person' and 'interest' of corporations created by people. The pledge of allegiance is to the flag of the united states and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God. There is no God in a government of the people, for the people and by the people. A nation cannot claim to be under God when its government is not under

God. A government that denies Revelation cannot protect the unalienable God-given rights of the people. Elected officials in a representative government have no contractual obligations to the people who elected them, but are tools of corporations and special interest groups that fund their campaign.

Repressive Republic: The republic claims sovereignty resides in people and they 'ordain and establish the constitution' not for themselves but 'for the United States of America'. The people delegate powers to the government without giving up their own. God-given rights are supposedly protected under the Common Law of the Republic and government-given civil rights of citizens are supposedly protected under the Statuary Law of the Democracy. The people claim to own the government, but the government, by subjecting all persons born or naturalized in the United States to its jurisdiction, owns the citizens. The sovereign people of this nation who are alive today, those who were born, and those who were naturalized, each one of them created a free person in their mothers' womb, never ratified the US constitution nor gave informed consent to be subjected to the jurisdiction of United States government, nor surrendered or waived their sovereignty. The founding fathers did not have the authority to surrender the sovereignty of their posterity to the government nor subject them to its jurisdiction, and the posterity cannot be judged by the beliefs and actions of their fore-fathers. When treating a patient without informed consent is assault and battery, then governing, ruling and judging a people without informed consent is tyranny and oppression. 'When it is said to them 'come to what has been Revealed by Allah and to the Messenger, they say 'sufficient for us is what we found our forefathers upon', even though their fore-fathers knew nothing and were not guided. Ayat 5:104.

Sovereignty surrendered for slavery: Popular sovereignty is a tool of tyrants to claim lordship and enslave people. It is a symbol of tyranny providing sanctuary to tyrants all over the world. 'Can selfgoverning people coexist and prevail over government agencies that have no authority over the People?' The 'Great experiment in self government' under the illusion of freedom has created slavery upon slavery; slavery to tyrannical luciferous leviathan of state authority from surrendered God-given rights of people to acquire government-given civil rights of citizens and slavery to the material world in pursuit of happiness. Special interest groups and corporations that own the government claim favors on people they enslaved. Free people make free nations. With unquestionable authority to levy and validate public debt, the government keeps its citizens in perpetual debt that grows astronomically each year. A nation cannot be free if its people are not free and trapped in debt; economic, social and political. "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be" (Jefferson). When those enslaved believe they are free, that is the worst form of slavery. People fighting unjust wars for their governments claim to be patriotic and those fighting for civil rights claim to be freedom fighters. This makes me reject the Constitution and Laws of all secular democratic republics, including India, my motherland by birth, and United States, my homeland by death of my daughter in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Humble attempts to act on my beliefs and fulfill my obligations as a Muslim “American” evoked responses from the government that enabled a deeper understanding of the system. Witnessing and experiencing tyranny and corruption, a gradual awakening of consciousness led to a grinding realization of conflicts and contradictions within my beliefs. The foundations of my belief system were shattered, bringing down everything I built on it.

  • 03/16/2003 Rachel Corrie was crushed under Israeli bulldozer. A mighty nation disowns a national hero who gave her life for the principles this nation was founded on - equality, justice and freedom, not what its flag has come to represent – tyranny and oppression. Israel claims the driver behind that massive death machine did not see Rachel, ironically acknowledging her protest: Israel blindfolded by holocausts of recent and distant past, does not see its own aggression and oppression. Standing up for a just cause facing guns and risking life by an 8g bullet traveling twice the speed of sound piercing flesh and bones requires tremendous courage. Imagine what was going through her mind as a 49 ton harbinger of death was inching its way toward her. It was not the bulldozer that crushed her fragile body, but her courage and resolution un the conduct of her faith that crushed tyranny. History has been recorded and God is The Judge. If people are oblivious, it is their ignorance. While she continues to live in the Presence of her Creator and in the hearts of people, what remains of tyranny is a mangled spiders' web, waiting to be swept away with time. Shame on the people who admire the Tank man in Tiananmen Square but ridicule an American hero who went above and beyond her duty to fulfill her calling. I was on a medical mission with Palestine Red Crescent Society in Gaza at the time, witnessing the tyranny and oppression that Rachel protested. Israeli blockade prevented me from visiting her at the hospital. I was arrested at Tel Aviv airport and detained for over 2 days in Petah Tikwa for investigation of a bombing on the day of my departure. American Embassy advised me to comply with the demands of the investigators denying any help or support to me or my family back home. I was interrogated continuously, sleep and food deprived and subjected to lie-detector test under threat of indefinite detention.
  • 07/01/2005 suspension of my privileges at UMC for protesting with civil disobedience against corrupt business practices that hindered my Trauma Anesthesiology practice and my passion to help the injured. UMC granted anesthesiology contract to Sierra and in return became their network provider on June 1, 2005. Hospital administration used my name to get the contract approved through MEC without my consent and then coerced me to join Sierra, a corporation I see as evil. My complaints to FBI and several government agencies on July 11, 2005 documenting interlocked contracts as violations of anti-trust laws, were not acknowledged and I was denied whistle blower protections. In 2007, UMC CEO Lacy Thomas was fired and indicted by the State of Nevada on 5 counts of theft and 5 counts of official misconduct. Criminal charges were dismissed through mistrial at Nevada Supreme Court in September 2017. He is now protected by the constitution from re-prosecution by double jeopardy. John Ellerton, MD, Chief of Staff representing physicians, also being paid as Medical Director for the hospital, was scrutinized for conflict of interest.
  • 01/18/2006 My daughter passed away in a car crash. An SUV at high speed broadsided and tipped over my car with my family at an intersection. The SUV had the right of way but I did not see it approaching and failed to yield. Without investigating the other driver for driving under influence or distraction (phone), LVMPD cited me with Case # 06F03531X Misdemeanor – vehicular manslaughter based on manufactured accident reconstruction report and fabricated false charges of speeding and blowing a stop sign in contradiction to eye-witness testimony. District attorney david rogers office raised it to felony reckless driving. I believe it was all in retaliation for whistle blowing corruption at UMC, to destroy my reputation, adversely effect my career, medical practice and livelihood. Overcharging and threatening with Child protective services taking away my other children, and misrepresenting 'no contest' as not accepting guilt, I was coerced into a plea deal. I was informed through court documents released from my attorney's office on 11/13/2018, that the disposition of the case pleads guilty as charged for vehicular manslaughter on public record.

When a government

  • presumes guilt and fails to protect its own citizens from harassment, injury and death,
  • hinders a person from practicing a profession that is his expertise and from serving humanity where he is best suited,
  • and the state with all its power and resources protects criminals but retaliates and subjects a whistle blower to embarrassment, expense and ordeal, and compels him to live in a continuing state of anxiety and insecurity, and uses the apparatus of the state to retaliate with deception, intimidation and misrepresentation, to find him guilty of fabricated charges with manufactured evidence at a time when he is most vulnerable, then that government has defined itself as a tyrant by its actions.

This Declaration of Faith proclaimed on January 18, 2011 and sent to all 3 branches of Government, is in response to the above, to migrate from a position of weakness to a position of strength, to gain peace and security with strength and conviction of faith by reexamining my belief system and ridding it of any conflicts, to build a strong and solid foundation, to live a life without fear, to fulfill my purpose in life without compromising my faith in preparation and hope to meet my Creator.

Constitutional scholars claim the magnanimity of ordainment process that those who rejected the constitution exercising freedom of speech were not demonized but included in the process and some of them went on to become presidents, vice presidents and chief justices. I experienced more retaliation:

  • 01/28/2011 My first meeting with the FBI for sending my Declaration of Faith to district attorney
  • 02/03/2011 Meeting with FBI and Secret Service for sending it to President Obama
  • 02/07/2011 UMC terminated my application for privileges with false allegations and without due process, leading all other hospitals in Las Vegas valley to follow suit and close my applications as incomplete because I refused to accept those allegations.
  • 02/18/2011 Teacher's health trust terminated my privileges, leading to my expulsion from PBS Anesthesia group and disrupting my medical practice
  • 03/03/2011 when I visited UMC Trauma Center it was locked down for security threat
  • My guardianship request for Muslim children in foster care was denied and DCFS made threats to send US marshals to my home to seize those children. I wrote a letter to Nevada Attorney general Catherine Cortez Masto and Governor Brian Sandoval on 09/10/2012, exposing corruption and abuse of children in DCFS custody and got no response.
  • 02/15/2013 letter to Attorney General Eric Holder regarding my pledge for financial support to orphans in Gaza to protect myself from perceived threat of prosecution.
  • 05/07/2013 request to Massachusetts Governor Patrick and Nevada Governor Sandoval to help me bury Tamerlane Tsarnaev's body being mutilated by denying burial to dehumanize Muslims was ignored. I believe the bodies of Mumbai massacre suspects are being similarly mutilated. God already sent a crow to show Cane how to bury Abel. Mutilation does not hurt the dead but reflects on the living.
  • 08/08/2013 open letter of my testimony of faith regarding Nidal Hasan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to the judiciary, American government and American people, was answered with unannounced FBI visit escorted by armed and edgy lvmpd officer to my home.
  • 08/21/2013 Steps towards impending Muslim genocide, a letter of warning I sent to Muslim organizations, now reinforced with Myanmar Rohinga Muslim genocide, and 'humane' Muslim detention camps in China. Recent laws in India are disconcerting.
  • 10/30/2013 letter to Governor Sandoval complaining about 2013 HOA citation, for preexisting undisclosed CCR violations from 2007 when the escrow settlement was signed off and released by HOA in 2010. The complaint with Real Estate Division was deceptively closed, claiming a lack of timely response to a notice I never received.
  • 01/03/2014 trespassing arrest - City of Las Vegas case # C1108762A: for speaking without permission at Masjid Sabur against establishment and holding the leadership accountable for conflict in the Muslim mind and misguided actions of Muslim youth.

The State of Nevada and Illinois, using the resources and powers of medical board, whose members are directly appointed by the Governor, made repeated attempts to charge me with false allegations and enforce compliance on orders that constituted self-incrimination and admission of those false charges;

  • 06/13/2014 NSBME case 14-15188; Regarding 01/16/2008 Malpractice claim
  • 09/15/2014 IDFPR suspension of my Illinois license for erroneous delinquent tax
  • 01/07/2015 NSBME case 14-15458 for IDFPR suspension for erroneous delinquent tax
  • 01/07/2015 NSBME case 14-15459, for 01/03/2014 trespassing arrest at a place of worship!!!
  • 01/09/2015 NSBME Case 13-14908, order for meeting regarding multiple hospital privilege applications deemed incomplete because of false allegations by UMC
  • 07/26/2017 IDFPR complaint 2017-5901; notice of intent to refuse to renew license because of false allegations by UMC
  • 10/01/2017 Mandalay Bay Shooting: As a fellowship trained trauma anesthesiologist with a passion to help the injured, I felt like a fish out of water. Without knowing the identity of the shooter, if he was Muslim, and with UMC lock down on
  • 03/03/2011 portraying me as a security threat, I could not go to UMC directly. I requested the CEO at North Vista to contact UMC Trauma Center offering my help but I was held back for possible overflow. Sunrise hospital, the only other Trauma Center in town, had terminated my application for want of psychological evaluation. Showing up there that night was not an option.
  • 11/26/2018 denial of my application along with my whole family including minor children as young as 3, for Trusted Traveler Global Entry Program by Department of Homeland security claiming we are ineligible, when we meet all the eligibility criteria listed. They would not explain why we do not qualify as 'low risk'.
  • 04/12/2019 Self represented Motion to dismiss no-contest plea thwarted by LVJC.
  • 08/26/2021 fully executed Vroom retail purchase agreement with my signature not included in title documents and swapped with my wife's name without her signature authentication.
  • 09/11/2021~ DMV issued title and registration in my wife's name accepting illegal documents.
  • 11/01/2021 The Big Ugly Vaccine Mandate Comment tracking number kwc-9kd5-zujp not posted by agency on Federal Register
  • 12/13/2021 DMV license cancellation because of my signature making reference to my Declaration of Faith.
  • 12/17/2021 Prime Health Care North Vista Hospital death-trap for patients with tertiary care
  • needs, Complaint to MEC, Nursing board, DNV, Xavier Becerra DHHS
  • 01/26/2022 Suspension of privileges at North Vista Hospital citing my declination of COVID vaccine and religious exemption.
  • 09/27/2022 Conditional renewal of privileges at North Vista Hospital for COVID mandate

Conflict in Muslim mind: Can a person be a faithful believer and a loyal citizen? FCNA – Fiqh Council of North America adopted an Islamic ruling on 09/25-26/2011, to assert there is no contradiction between being faithful Muslims and loyal Americans. It claims Islam and the US constitution and bill of rights are based on the same universal moral values; democracies and secular legal systems are compatible with Islamic Shura and Shari'ah; and Islamic teachings require respect of

the laws of the land.

Critiques of my Declaration of Faith:

Is the State taghoot – false god? The founding fathers did not intend to make the constitution or the state a deity, or for it to acquire divine dimension or theological import. Not being Muslims did not bar them from creating a fair and just system, deriving from Islamic principles of ordering and structuring society. The constitution does not claim to have the power to make permissible what God made forbidden.

Social Contract: “Constitution was written as a social contract to afford ambiance in which arbitrariness could be checked and people of different faiths and beliefs could interact reasonably with each other without fear of coercion or intimidation”. No one can claim dispensing perfect justice in this world, even Muslims in a utopic Islamic system, because justice dispensed through human agency is by definition imperfect. Muslims and non-Muslims are living as signatories to this social contract and not as I assert, accepting it as a deity.

Islam requires obedience to the Law of the Land: The Prophet considered social norms and customs and accepted the protection of disbelievers. Asbab (means) are not Arbab (deities) and God ordained the use of means. 501C3 incorporation is a means to practice your faith and not taking advantage of it is against simple logic – saving taxes that can be spent against Muslims by the government and spending it in the path of God. Constitution and laws of country, state, county and city have to be followed because you cannot imagine building without permits.

Hypocricy dismissed: Without Revelation today no one can imply Masajid are not Houses of God or compare them to Masjid darar – built by hypocrites to divide Muslims, and after Revelation the Prophet tore it down. By declaring my dissociation from Muslims living a life of hypocrisy between the Quran and the constitution, I alienated my own community resulting in my family being gradually ostracized. It was pointed out that I have no right to judge and imply hypocrisy to fellow Muslims contrary to Prophets' example.

Response to Critiques:

Faithful Believers, with loyalty to God, family and Ummah, cannot be loyal to tyrannical systems. I belong to the Ummah (all of creation from the time of Muhammad (pbuh) to the Day of Judgment). 'Verily, the bonds of Islam will be destroyed one by one, when there arise in Islam people (and scholars?) who do not know or recognize ignorance (Umar RA).

ISLAM IS A 'DIN' OR WAY OF LIFE and not a RELIGION as defined in legal discourse. https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110810104746857

Di'n al Islam is 'Debt of Submission to Allah (for all the Blessings He Has bestowed on us) by disciplining the soul that falls due on the Day of Judgement. Hamza Yousuf:


Islam is Freedom -Submission to no one except our Creator, The Lord of Majesty and Bounty, The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty, in accordance with natural disposition, turning away from all that is false. True Religion is establishing without corruption the True Nature that The Sublime instilled into mankind. A religion that respects the freedoms of all people with no compulsion is the only way of life acceptable to The Sovereign. The self evident truth is that only The Creator Can Command the creation. Tyrants do not have authority on those who believe in The Sustainer and take Him alone as their Protector Who Guides them from darkness into light. They have authority only on those who surrender their freedom seeking its protection, thereby associating partners with The Unity, leading them from light into darkness. Good is to Glorify The Most Glorious and evil is to associate partners with The Unity.

Freedom is a Trust from God: It is the highest moral value that enables a person to choose and makes them accountable for their actions by their Creator. Those who betray their freedom betray that Trust. Strength and conviction of faith with beliefs coupled to conduct is the essence of a person's being, integrity and character that sets him free. Once realized, freedom does not need any protection because it cannot be taken away. Freedom that requires protection of tyranny is slavery.

Consensus contradicting Revelation is corruption: After proclaiming disbelief, an Islamic ruling professing respect while practicing and preaching obedience to taghoot can only come from a

convoluted coalition that is either confused or corrupt or coerced. Musa pbuh asked Pharoah 'send with me the children of Israel', he instructed his people to make places of worship in their homes, Eesa pbuh disrupted trade in the Jewish Temple and was sentenced to Crucifiction, Muhammad pbuh migrated to Madinah escaping assassination. 'Wasubaha' - my refutation of FCNA ruling that compromises faith following the example of Jews and Christians, was answered with silence. Instead of fulfilling their responsibility and resolving this conflict in the Muslim mind they disown those who question it. Instead of leading people by example with faith and courage to face tyranny, they are betraying the Muslim community. Instead of leading American society away from hell, they are misleading them and their representatives from figuring out 'what the hell is going on'. I hold the Islamic scholars responsible for misguided actions of conflicted Muslim youth susceptible to extremist ideologues on one hand and predatory government traps on the other, destroying many lives besides their own, and the faith with it.

Luciferous Leviathan: Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to render their god-given rights and submit to the authority of the ruler (or to

the decision of a majority) in exchange for protection of their government given civil rights. That is the luciferous Leviathan, or the matter, form and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiastical and civil – Thomas Hobbes, 1651. Affording ambiance in which arbitrariness could be checked and people of different faiths and beliefs could interact reasonably with each other without fear of coercion or intimidation is a claim only Revelation can make because God is the Creator of all people. Revelation claims people have no faith until they accept the Messenger as an arbiter or judge in all their affairs and find no resistance in their souls against his decisions. “Believers” that claim to be signatories to the social contract in which the luciferous leviathan is the arbiter providing that ambiance, are implying Revelation is arbitrary. Justice dispensed by human agency in this world is by definition imperfect but Revelation implores us to aim and strive for it with might and main. If a system in defiance of Revelation can be just, then what is the purpose of Revelation? Who decides what is acceptable injustice in this imperfect world, the oppressor or the oppressed? When speech and actions contradict professed beliefs, that is by definition hypocrisy. By calling out the contradictions, I am calling myself a hypocrite, worthless piece of hollow timber propped up. If other believers find themselves in the same predicament, and are offended by it, then they should acknowledge the problem to find a solution.

Is government god?: A believer may hide belief in God or disbelief in false god for fear of persecution. Belief commands obedience and disbelief demands disobedience, the degree of which depends on personal convictions and fear of tyrants or God. They cannot claim any association with Revelation. The Jews did not intend to make their Rabbi's as deities or Lords but the Messenger explained that Rabbi's by making permissible what God made forbidden and making forbidden what God made permissible have made themselves Lords. Governments today as such have made themselves false gods; they cannot create anything and are themselves created, have no power to avert harm or benefit themselves, and no power over death or life or resurrection.

Without Revelation there is no Rule of Law: Revelation is the Criterion to judge between right and wrong and establish justice. Any government that governs, rules and judges its people by anything other than what God Has Revealed to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad is a disbelieving, rebellious transgressor, (taghoot, false god, tyrant) Al-Quran 5: 44-50. Professing respect and obedience to the law of the land that is recognized as tyranny because God gave it authority is disrespecting The Honorer and disobedience to God. There is no obedience to anyone if it results in disobedience to The Subduer. Those who practice and promote such beliefs contrive an evil alliance with taghoot. Without rejection of false gods and tyrants, faith is a veneer for disbelief, rebellion and tyranny. The Law Giver has ordained for us of the way of life what He enjoined upon Nuh and that which He Has Revealed to Muhammad and what He enjoined upon Ibraheem and Musa and Eesa, to establish the way of life and not be divided there in... Revelation teaches:

  • disbelieve taghoot and believe in Allah to grasp The Most Trustworthy Hand-hold that never breaks,
  • not to be among those who were granted their share of the Book but believe in superstition and taghoot and claim they are better guided in the right way than believers,
  • not to be among those who claim to believe in Revelation and yet turn to taghoot for judgment,
  • those who believe struggle in the cause of Allah and those who disbelieve struggle in the cause of taghoot, indeed the guile of satan is week
  • worse in rank are those who worship taghoot and not avoid them, instead of turning to Allah and worshiping Him

Charitable organizations are incorporated to acquire permits and protections and seek 501C3 designation to gain subsidies through tax exemptions and deductions from government. In return they accept restrictions on private benefit / inurement, lobbying, political activity, unrelated business income, annual reporting obligations and operations outside tax exempt purpose. Pharaoh killed the sorcerers because they did not ask his permission before believing in God. Muhammad pbuh did not build one Masjid in Mecca for 13 years before migration while the Kaaba was filled with idols under Quresh. Neither the Prophet nor his companion Abu Bakr took the protection of disbelievers by believing in or turning for judgement to taghoot, while their companions were tortured and killed, nor accepted restrictions on their way of life. They are not the 'means' ordained by God – no Revelation to support it, but tools of taghoot to deceive you that you are practicing faith. A place of worship built by

such organizations is a house of cards built on a heap of ash that appears to hold it together. Masjid by definition is built, visited and maintained by such as believe in God and The Last Day, establish regular prayer and practice regular charity and fear none except God.

Purpose of life: Belief coupled with conduct. God did not create man and jin except to Worship Him. Worship is to live a life to its full potential with love and devotion, submission and obedience, fear and reverence to The Creator. Without actions belief is invalid - ayats 2:82, 5:9, 7:42, 10:9, 19:96, 29:7, 42:26 and without belief actions are invalid – ayats 2:217, 3:22, 5:53, 7:147, 14:18, 18:105, 39:65. Knowledge is essential to identify one's potential and implement beliefs into actions. Knowledge, as an attribute of God, cannot be exhausted even if all the oceans were ink and trees were pen. In and of itself, neither belief nor knowledge is a virtue and when accumulated without action, it may be a barrier to fulfill the purpose of life.

Muslim in America or India: My relationship with any constitution and government is the same as Jesus pbuh with Cesar's Roman empire or Moses pbuh with Pharoah's kingdom or Muhammad pbuh with Qureshi aristocracy. I believe God is greater than any government, His Revelation is greater than any constitution and His Creation is greater than any country. Secularism claims separation of church and state but it is the church (synagogue or mosque) that is incorporated and regulated under the complete authority of the state. “God is the Creator of all things; and He holds absolute sway over all that exists”.Ayats 13:16, 5:120. “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's” implies {[(Render unto God Caesar and his empire)]}. James Madison, the principal author of the First Amendment: “It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage, and such only, as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent both in order of time and degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society.” “Freedom of conscience is the basis of the Free Exercise Clause, and government may not penalize or discriminate against an individual or a group of individuals because of their religious views nor may it compel persons to affirm any particular beliefs.” Braunfeld v. Brown, 366 U.S. 599, 607 (1961).

Constitutional anamoly? Government has established religion with Secularism as a way of life. Secular institutions pursuing secular goals and interests are imposing civic obligations on all members of society regardless of their religion. By virtue of my disbelief in false gods, belief in Allah, bound with a Covenant “we hear and we obey” to religiously motivated conduct, I am not claiming religious exemptions from a secular system to become a 'law unto myself' nor I consider myself 'above the law'. I am born a free man and legally admitted as a sovereign member of the people of the United States for whom the government was created to serve and protect. I have not and will not abandon my religion nor my sovereignty as the price for an equal place in society where people are not free nor equal.

Disbelieving the constitution and rejecting all its protections without intending to violate it, to seek God's Protection, I am claiming Sovereignty and Freedom as an inalienable right endowed by my

Creator in my mother's womb that existed before it was recognized in the Declaration of Independence.

Seeds of destruction: By making belief-action distinction to accommodate and regulate religiously motivated conduct in the permissible zone between the establishment and free exercise clauses, in conjunction with other constitutional protections, such as freedom of speech and the press, the government is playing at the joints with 'strict scrutiny' 'rational basis' 'compelling-interest' 'substantial burden' and 'least restrictive' standards. Claiming a citizens' obligation to obey the law is not contingent on religious beliefs is absurd when it is the obligation of the US government and its laws to protect the religious beliefs of free people. It is like claiming to accommodate The Big Bang, An Act of God that Created this universe, in the tiny space on paper between the establishment and free-exercise clauses on which it is written! If it appears to 'invite anarchy' and produce 'constitutional anomaly', then it is a seed of destruction embedded in the constitution as it was written.

Certainty of Death as the cornerstone of my Faith: Every living being will taste death. The body goes back to Earth and the soul departs to God. Only The Eternal brings life out of death and death out

of life. When the last breath comes up to the throat, the person knows that this is the parting and no one can intervene or avert it. Engulfed by death, he is impelled to repentance that is useless. The Creator of Death decreed death shall dwell among us, it will overtake us where ever we may be, at the time and place destined. Faith is sincere and true when the certainty of death illuminates life. Life after death and the hope of meeting our Creator is The Truth, as true as we speak. Death is the barrier that defines and therefore protects life in this world and the next. Believers are inspired to overcome the fear of death, persevere with patient resolve to redeem their pledge to surrender to The Creator before death. Disbelief in God promotes hopelessness and desperation. Death is seen as the end of existence with nothing to look forward to. Life of this world is preferred over hereafter. People are burdened with servitude to the creation taking tyrants as protectors who cause obstruction in the path of God and seek crookedness in it by making themselves or others equal to God. On the Day of Account, those who are followed will clear themselves of those who followed.

Declaration of Faith: As Full disclosure and my signature document, it authenticates all legal documents, agreements and contracts so that all transacting parties will be fully aware of the consequences of their decision. It is an instrument to exercise my freedom, practice my inalienable rights and protect my faith with the intent to live my life according to Guidance from Revelation, as Commanded by God, based on my understanding, and save my family and self from Hell Fire;

  • O you who believe! When ye deal with each other in transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them to writing...., let him who incurs liability dictate...., and get two witnesses. Ayat 2:282:
  • O you who believe! Fulfill contracts...Ayat 5:1
  • O my people, Worship Allah, no other god but Him. Clear evidence of the truth has now come to you from you Sustainer! Give full measure and weight, do not deprive people their things, do not spread corruption on Earth after it has been set in order, that is best for you if you believe. Ayat 7:85
  • Those who devour usury stand not except as stand on whom satan has confounded with his touch; they say “trade is like usury” while Allah has permitted trade and forbidden usury...Ayat 2:275. O you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what remains of usury if you are believers. If you do it not, be informed of a war from Allah and His Messenger. But if you turn back, then for you is your capital. Do no wrong nor be wronged. Ayat 2:278-279
  • When angels take in death those wronging themselves, they ask “In what (situation) were you? They reply we were oppressed in Earth, they ask 'was not the Earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate in it'. Then those will have their abode in Hell and an evil destination. Ayat 4:97
  • O you who believe, Be the custodians of justice as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, your parents, your relatives, whether rich or poor for Allah is The Protector of both. Follow not your desires lest you swerve from justice, and if you distort or decline, Allah is aware of all you do. Ayat 4:135

I hereby declare, proclaim and solemnly affirm, without fear and intimidation, without hesitation and reservation, to recognize and establish the following truths:

I entirely renounce all my oaths, declarations, affirmations, affidavits, affiliations, associations and abjure all allegiance, fidelity, obedience that contradicts, conflicts or negates my Original Covenants.

  • Fulfill the Covenant of Allah when you have covenanted, and break not your oaths after confirmation; indeed you have entrusted Allah over you; for Allah knows all that you do. Ayat 16:91
  • And remember the favor of Allah upon you, and His Covenant which He bound you with, when you said: "We hear and we obey": And fear Allah, for Allah Knows of what is in your hearts. Ayat 5:7
  • When your Lord took from the children of Adam their descendants from their loins and made them testify over themselves “Am I not your Lord” they said 'yes we testify' lest you say on The Day of Resurrection 'indeed were unaware about this'. Ayat 7:172

I believe that your God and my God is The One God, in the Heavens and on Earth. I believe in His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, The Last Day and Fate measured out, good or bad. I honor the Prophet and defend the Revelation. I will not die nor live except in submission to Allah.

I declare my freedom to 'hear and obey' Revelation, act or refrain from all the things Commanded by The Wise and my inalienable rights to faithfully observe trusts and covenants, enjoin good and forbid

evil, resist oppression and tyranny, help those in need and give charity, live free of debt and usury, make alliances and contracts, earn a livelihood with respect, dignity and honor, travel or settle, protect faith and beliefs, life and death, chastity and honor, family and progeny, reason and wealth.

I follow the example of Ibraheem (pbuh) and turn my face to Him Who brought into being the heavens and the earth, Who Created and established me on this land, having turned away from all that is false; I

am not of those who ascribe divinity to aught beside The Everlasting, those who deny submission to The Abaser while living on His land and thriving on His sustenance: I dissociate myself from all people and organizations who claim to believe in God but refuse to disbelieve in tyranny; who take 'Oath' on The Revelation - to uphold the word of man (constitution) and undermine the Word of God (Revelation)!!! who seek civil rights by giving up their God-given rights, who claim to Glorify The Most Glorious, but by incorporating and benefiting from tyranny are glorifying false gods! God's Will is Done and I have no strength except from Him.

I am a Muslim worthy of trust. I accept full responsibility for all my choices, whatever the consequences and deny any responsibility for choices that are not mine, whatever the consequences. Scheme your worst against me and give me no respite. My protector is The Almighty God who will take your souls at death. I seek refuge in my Sustainer and your Sustainer from every arrogant one who disbelieves in the Day of Reckoning.

'As a witness to my testimony, I implore the reader to fulfill his or her responsibility based on their True Nature and point out any errors or contradictions in my faith so I may reflect and reconcile.

***Truly do I love the love of good with a view to the Glory of my Lord!***

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